Meny Stäng

In English

The texts are translated using Google translate.

Courtesy of Almundsryds hembygdsförening:

Ake on the bog

At a time when tourism attaches increasing importance, both as a local source of income and for private industry, has Tingsryd quickly and merrily got a brand new star on its POI map – the nationally famous Bilkyrkogården on church bog in Ryd.

That it is being number one in the local traffic flow is a place of honor worthy of consideration, especially as the municipality within its borders can accommodate both Lunnabacken as Korrö, who is also a couple of hundred lakes, roaring waterfalls, open landscapes and winding country roads through the dark primeval forests.

Of course, the mass media – press, radio, television – have played a role in this context, it should not be denied. Journalists looking like it’s unique, and here – among a hundred antique car models, parked between the low-dwarfed pines, they have found an almost inexhaustible source – both for the camera and notepad.

The next step will be newspaper readers, radio listeners and TV viewers. They have wondered and pondered, suffered from nostalgia and wanderlust. For some, the first car – perhaps a PV or a used Volkswagen – suddenly risen up in recollection. Whoever they once during adolescence saved up for, the crown next to crown. And with a fresh license in his inside pocket, finally got to test drive.

The same memory basket is also the first Sunday outing, the first rest area, coffee basket in the back seat, tent, luggage, sleep in forest hill – everything so new and so adventurous and so far away from the gridded daily rhythm.

After all ”remember you” moved over to bilkartan interest. And of course it is awfully long way to where the bog in Halland, but present-day sea monster in the garage, it is just nothing to discourage.


He called on Ake Myren, a name in the parish register was Ake Danielsson, born in Tröjemåla May 8, 1914.

His father was a stone worker while his mother took care of household work and children, four boys and two girls.

At that time Tröjemåla own school, both for beginners and elementary-school children. And as Ake had both older and younger siblings, he had never walk alone, either there or on the way home.

After five classes, confirmation and continuation school, he was ripe for the next step – the seriously indebted – that which led straight into the workplace.

In a medium-sized farm in southern Sweden, he would for 25 dollars a month to work all days of the week – including Saturdays and Sundays – from five o’clock in the morning until seven o’clock in the evening.

In Scania farmhands lived in the house, together with the farm horses. Farmhand House was a kind of pen, with unpainted walls, stone floors and a stack råghalm in bed, where countless fleas and bedbugs were waiting for their evening meal.

For a young boy was there not much to smile about, and from the first day began Ake long to return to its home – childhood home of Tröjemåla.

But just at that time – around 1930 – broke the major world recession, then only in tiny Sweden, there were over 30 percent unemployed. An option was not and only a little way into the 30’s could Ake ordering their long awaited return ticket.

Peat Workers

After various laborer jobs in Småland, including in Herråkra, Ake knew that he wanted to try something else, something more freely and independently.

In 1935 he buys a peat moss and a large broad-bladed shovel. He would become self-employed, transforming marshes into a desirable commodity – peat. The bog was situated on Kyrkön, a farm at Lönsboda Road, approximately three kilometers west of Ryd society.

For owners – Signe and Hugh Smith – was a desolate swamp, they could well do without. The purchase price was also pleased with and soon enough, the parties were ready to close the deal. A sales contract was drawn up, Ake paid, the amount was acknowledged, but for some strange reason he did not have land titles.

It meant he never became the legal owner of the peat moss. Perhaps he thought that there was enough of a receipt, and that the legal process was a redundant trivial.

In each case, he started digging, threw up the mound after mound. Scattered on both sides of the ditch, they would dry in the summer sun, then turned, Pallas up in piles, swamps into the barn, and eventually fall forward edge delivered to prospective speculators.


Backed by agro-experts had peat suddenly come into vogue, and did in the 30s a rapid entry into many grisakättar and manure gutters. Mixed with animal urine and feces, there was a fertilizer which even surpassed the expensive ”köpegösseln”.

The only problem was to get turves cut to pieces. Burnt by the Sun, they were often hard to fence pieces, and the ax was therefore a necessary tool. Some tried with a threshing machine, others with a straw coffin, but consistently for all was and still is a difficult to do.

The joy was therefore great when a peat factory began delivering ready-milled peat, being pressed into bales, simple and manageable in all respects.


To keep up with competition Ake was compelled to construct a shredders – or rather build a peat factory.

It was a fairly tall building, with the press in the ground floor, shredders on the second floor and the top of an elevator, which drew up turves to feed the table. Without electricity there was a omständligtmekande, old discarded car engine was upgraded and enter completely unimagined functions.

Åkes peat works are still left out on the bog. Although it had time to be a bit battered, but still gives a pretty clear picture about how it all once worked.

Previous year -1936 – he had built himself a house, probably the smallest housing unit in Almundsryds Assembly. Kitchen, bedroom, dining room and living room – all united within the same walls, where the entire floor area stopped at 12 meters.

As a builder Ake has experimented with various innovations. Thus he used the peat as insulating medium in the walls and floors, and to save the brick and mortar, he formed the chimney in one piece – of cement.

Land he has chosen with care – a plateau that rises slightly above the surrounding marshes.

What remains is also an outhouse, which once housed one well-stocked spare parts store, a mecca for young bilentusiaster, which for an affordable sum this could be just the detail that was taken.

For other needs is also a water well, as well as a privy. The latter has been sadly vandalized, tippats forward.

As if this were not enough, visitors can also find the remains of a narrow gauge railway, which Ake on a so-called trolley carried its raw material from the bog and the factory.

Car mechanic

In post-war songs were born many positive elements. There were jobs, there was food, there were goods of all varieties. Most notably, it was noticeable on our roads, where traffic for each day became more frequent.

Car dealers were suddenly golden times. Similarly bilskollärare and garage builders. And a paragraph in the 50’s began to talk about the car that ”every man’s property”.

Some were old workhorse, now, after five ofredsår mothballed regained entry into the sunlight. They rolled their time in any weather, coughed, splash, and eventually became inbackade in some remote forest road. This sad conclusion gradually became a nationwide scourge, who is also an environmental issue, with new rules and clauses.

Around the same time began Åkes bilskrot be known and talked about, both as bilkyrkogård and spare parts inventory, and while his turf spade stood and toasted, he more and more to do with their newly purchased bilverktyg.

No training car mechanic, he had not. Nor a driving license. Yet he became, over time, something of an expert in all kinds of brands, ranging from broad Americans for SMEs ”everyman’s car”.

Aware of the environmental authorities’ rules, he was always careful to drain gasoline and oil tanks, remove batteries and other environmentally damaging details.

Among the parts were not at least the wheels in high demand and easily sold. Mounted on the so-called rubber wheel trolleys became the area’s farmers for a sought modernization.

Under the bonnet there was much to examine, clean, oil up and carry into the spare part shop. But also a lot of the scrap heap.

Remained the wheel solving body structures, which in all its misery was increased up to adult models.


To attractions such as the Vasa Ship, Sarek, Birka and Zorn’s chubby Dalecarlian woman has long queues outside its gates are not surprising. But to an old scrap cars in Småland attracts such a huge interest is almost inexplicable.

But as we already indicated, the media have helped to create the craving, and picking out all the lonely and left-over format an attraction which every summer attracts thousands of visitors.

The first reportage – great idea in Smålandsposten – was made by a former Rydbo – Kerstin Bengtsson – born and raised in Hantverkaregatan, specifically Bengtssons Ironmonger. She is now

resides in Lomma and working as a teacher but is also very interested and talented photographer.

From the first visit came Kerstin on ”good terms” with Ake, was part of his destiny, while she photographed him as well as his little cabin – plus a whole range of the established car wrecks.

Of the rich visual material, she later an exhibition, which was shown at several locations, both in Skåne and Småland.

After the successful run came all the others – the press, radio, television, and soon it was desolate Rydmyren equally renowned and well known as the really big things.

Tourist Rush was interconnected with the summer time, and when the first snow began to fall Åke return to the original routine.

During the long dark autumn evenings he sat mostly alone in her cabin, fed her iron fireplace with pine sticks, turned up the wick in the oil lamp, read newspapers and novels, while the dog – his only companion – was asleep at his feet.


As time rolls on and subsequent forced Ake pull down a little on the pace of work. Similarly, the rbetstiden.

In 1974 he bought his last Skrotbil. And once they are slaughtered and dressed, he put off with the mekandet.

But true freedom is not he, for his well-stocked spare parts warehouse will still hopeful speculators. In addition to clients, he often omsvärmad of tourists, who are all equally inquisitive.

That his life’s work has become so attractive is rewritten and actually is pleasing. But in all that bright are also sources of anxiety and wormwood spots, perhaps a touch of envy.

Praise in the media and the high number of visitors is estimated not by all, at least not by some members of the local environment and HOUSING. In their eyes is the much-lauded POI something disgusting, a litter of nature, a misdemeanor that with all the power should be prosecuted.

At a meeting in the 1990s, the Board decided that all the wrecked cars on Church bog will be collected and transported to an authorized recycling industry.

To put extra weight behind the words issuing the Board a fine of SEK 10,000 ”if not all the wrecked cars are whisked away by 30 November 1998.”

1 a bed of Solängen – Ryd service building – takes Ake receiving lukewarm decision. In their old age, he suffered from diabetes and during the last three years been treated at Solange.

The crimes he committed are called in everyday language for Recovery and Sorting – two new functions of society, as advocated by the country’s environment minister, and in some municipalities are rewarded with flowers and a special environmental award.

130 years of time has Ake worn with just that – retrieve and sort the source. About 130 vehicles, he has cleaned up, which would otherwise stood and scratched around in the woods. It has been a demanding job, but instead of flowers rewarded him with such an order.


The crooked municipal decision affects many, both in Ryd and elsewhere. And suddenly Ake experience that he also has friends and the many protests against the municipality’s attitude.

One of them is Karl-Johan Krantz-chief of Småland’s Museum in Växjö. Contrary to the municipality’s policy, he suggests that the scrapyard on the ants to the Church will be preserved: the entire area will become cultural reserves and Åke’s little cottage is explained as a historic building.

On the provincial government in Växjö, in which case the duly processed, it is however a little hesitant. For material undergoing dissolution, there really is no offense.

CAB ”no” to appeal to the museum director, with the result that Ake’s old wrecked cars makes its entry into himself, the Cabinet Office.

The Government is, however, on the same line as the County Board, and therefore it is the municipality’s decision relating to: wrecked cars is gone, disappear. And it is not fast enough, an old sick pensioner empty his moneybox.

The perverse decision has created new titles, new voices and viewpoints, both by laymen and professors. Several of these questions the municipality’s decision making.

Anyone who has been obliged to enforce the clean-up must have associated economic conditions. The mere removal opment of the 130 wrecked cars costing certainly less than SEK 100,000. And so much money has not Ake. In addition, the municipality is probably too late.

The actual dismantling of cars stopped in the early 1970s. And neither during the activity or the near future then the municipality has acted. As a result, they missed theirs.


l the long line of comments is also included. A letter from Marianna Agetorp – active cultural and environmental activist, resides in Spjutaretorp. She writes frankly ”to the old wrecked cars will remain where they lie. Removing them would be a desecration!”

In the more ironic terms, many people wonder why Rydborna to pay such large sums for their sights on similar facilities in the central town is supported by substantial kommunbidrag.

Maybe is the new POI in the wrong place? Too far out on the periphery? When visitors to the Church ants had time to become hungry and tired going to the course at the best society. In Ryd are several dining options, and for any overnight stay is both a traditional railway hotel and a modern motel, where guests and even have a sea view.


After all the criticism and irony all issues – not least in the newspapers – is organizing municipal leaders in August 1999 a so-called general assembly, the assembly at that location – church bog in Ryd.

In addition to the boards of the municipality included representatives of the provincial government, Småland Museum, Almundsryds Folklore Society, the new landowners, and others

After a quiet walk among the rusty car wrecks gather it to negotiations on the deserted dirt road. In so doing, reveals that the municipality made a so-called ”U-turn,” repented and decided to withdraw its penalty order against Ake Danielsson.

The municipality’s spokesman announced that the all the wrecked cars may remain at the bog, and that the new landowners – Stig and Bengt Svensson – should not be burdened with any cleanup costs.

The new decision is to be welcomed both by the concerned authorities and individuals.

End good – everything is good, could thus say. Possibly with an addition to much of the row was unnecessary.

It is true that the old bilrariteterna been sentenced to annihilation, but just the process will certainly increase the interest, both among scientists and the public.

In future reports may perhaps see pictures of measuring devices at a tenth of a millimeter to indicate how deep a medium car body for each year are sinking into the marshes. But when the total degradation can be considered complete, remains probably date to no one dares to enter – either in years or decades.


In the years around the turn continues the run tourist numbers, while journalists find new wisdom and new photo angles. Among those who acted in the initial stage was Karl-Johan Krantz quite pleased with the final settlement. – ”And now that we know how it all will end up resting there like a devoutly over the place,” he says in a newspaper.

From the thick stack of newspaper clippings, we can also cite a machine designer from Japan, who after his visit to the bog out that ”although the technology is part of our cultural history.”

A folklorist from Lund points to the unique relationship – ”bogs / wrecked cars’ – while the aforementioned Kerstin Bengtsson similar throughout the zone in a” Self-Destructive Plate. ”

A journalist from Blekinge note that devoutly, museum director in Vaxjo. The spiritual tone is already posted in the title: cars end up in heaven. ”And in a wrecked cars depicted quoted the familiar words:” The earth is you. Earth, you should become again. ”


While all these words are formulated, read and discuss their Ake in elstol on Solängen and struggling with their ailments.

Already in the 80s he began to feel of his kidneys and was forced for a short time put on the service home. With the promise of self-manage their medication, he returned to his cottage, which was then well on its way to becoming a center of the municipality’s most popular tourist destinations.

At that stage he had made off with everything bilmekande. Enough with the household chores, and a moment of woodpile.

But despite the tranquil pace of work, he became gradually weaker. He held on as long as he could, but 1995 was once again time for Solange. The last time he had been cycling. But now had to hire a quad bike.

On Solängen he was immediately a little better, but no turning back, it was never the question.

Ake experienced the turn, like the first spring and the twenty-first century. But in the autumn, his health deteriorated, with the result that he was transferred to Växjö Hospital, where he, after a short time got to finish their career – November 27 November 2000.

In an anonymous SOD on Almundsryds new memorial Åke his final resting place. And just as quietly as he had lived as Quiet became his farewell – but neither obituary, sadness worship or bells.
Sture Stamming

A warm thanks to Åke’s brother – Erik Danielsson, Ryd – for all the authoritative data.

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